A dedicated, passionate, and respectful leader, Chief Maracle has served as Chief of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte since 1991, prior to which he served as Councilor for 12 years. As Chief, he has successfully advocated for his community and directed its revitalization as an economically and culturally vibrant nation.
Over the decades, he has overseen the regeneration of his Nation’s land base, installation of a new energy infrastructure, construction of a water treatment plant, and the restoration of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal of the Mohawks, to name but a few of his outstanding achievements. That said, his advocacy goes beyond his own community.
Working with the Chiefs of Ontario, the Iroquois Caucus, the OFNLP, and the AIAI Chief’s Council, he advocates for health and wellness programming, mental health, and education support for all Peoples living in Canada, plus Indigenous economic development, Indigenous languages revitalization, and fairness and equality for service delivery in Indigenous policing.